Member Spotlight: Zach F. & Kathy N.

The Minnesota Women of Today Presidential Pin is designed to substantiate a member’s commitment to their local chapter and local membership. It exemplifies their dedication and belief in our creed, and service to their local chapter. The presidential pin is a special honor for those members who are selected. Less than seventy-five Presidential Pins will be awarded across the state to members this year. These are the members who have gone that extra mile. These members are dedicated to their local chapter, the community it serves, and the members within it. They share their time and talents and grow as individuals because of it. New is grateful to have two of our members recognized with this honor on January 25th. 

Zach is an outstanding member and a true asset to our community. He is very passionate, is highly involved, and brings refreshing ideas to the chapter. This year, he has organized a fishing event for Kid's Week, co-chaired a new holiday cheer event benefiting a local women's shelter, and co-chaired a monthly coffee meet-up. He has helped refresh the chapter's public image by contributing to social media accounts and working on new apparel choices, including a new logo design. New Hope WT is grateful for all he does and congratulate him on being a Minnesota Women of Today Presidential Pin recipient. 

Congratulations to the “sunshine” of the New Hope chapter, MNWT Presidential Pin recipient Kathy N. As our Women's Wellness Program Manger she shares her love and passion for others to support our community. She organized a Domestic Violence shelter speaker, led a breast cancer talk , co-chaired a new holiday project benefitting a local shelter, and co-chaired the chapter’s caroling at a nursing home. She promotes physical, mental, and nutritional wellness though fun achievable challenges. And she sends birthday and sympathy cards to NHWT members. New Hope WT appreciates her.