Stronger Together: Crescent Cove Holiday Drive Thru

Our chapter had the privilege of hosting a table at the Crescent Cove Holiday Drive Thru this year. We created take home hot chocolate bags for all the families attending. Our idea was to create a mini at home family experience in a bag, we included several types of hot chocolate and tea, along with little candies, marshmallows, honey and peppermint sticks. To add to the fun was a box of cookies and a few small fidget toys. What we thought would be a typical volunteering opportunity became so much more. By interacting with the families, Crescent Cove staff, and other volunteers we got so much more than we gave. The sense of joy and community was overwhelming. This was an amazing opportunity and experience for our chapter and members. We are already planning to participate again next year.


New Hope Women of Today is founded on community service and supporting great causes throughout the area. We are lucky to have such talented members who share their skills and time to support needed causes within the community and each other. New Members are always welcome for more information contact us at or click HERE.