President's Corner - May


Hello Fabulous Chapter Members!

Welcome to what I hope will be another great year for our chapter.

When the Board and I attended LOTS (local officer training sessions) in May, one of the exercises we did was visualization exercise. We were asked to visualize ourselves within our chapter in 10 years. What are we doing? What are we feeling? What would we like to see? What would we like to be experiencing? Admit- tingly, I’m not one for thinking on the spot so I didn’t quite have a clear picture that day. However, after thinking some more, my visualization would be something like this:

I picture being in our same meeting spot, only more of the tables are occupied with a diverse group of individuals made up of new and seasoned members and many walks of life. We’re currently recapping an event we just put on in the community that has made our name known and helped us to become an asset within New Hope and/or the surrounding communities. Looking over our calendar, we have a healthy amount of projects coming up – socials, M-events, supply drives, and enrichment opportunities. The majority of them have a different per- son or group of people reporting on them. Our President is in the role for the first time and leads a full board comprised of new and seasoned members. Most importantly of all, the atmosphere is positive, welcoming, and collaborative.

How do we work towards this vision to help make it a reality? One path I see aligns with my theme for the year which is encourage each and every member to take the leap and try something either brand new or something they may have attempted in the past but didn’t get it quite right. Whether you’re a brand new member or been around for 20+ years, we all have those leaps. I encourage you to identify those and share them with each other. By sharing our leaps, others can become those nets to support and guide you. New leaps mean new ideas and new life, which can attract new members but also welcoming back those members who may have been observing from afar.

Taking on the Presidency is one of my leaps and I hope you’ll join me this year with taking one of your own. For those who might be ready, we do currently have a couple of open positions either on the Board or within our various programming areas. These are Secretary, Membership VP; Community Connections; Priority Area-REACH; Living & Learning; Youth of Today and PR (Public Relations). If any of these pique your interest, please reach out.

In Friendship, Theresa Carpenter