New Hope Women of Today has had the privilege of teaming up
with our local YMCA as a go to location for holding community educational
classes for many years. Our member Rita J has a passion for supporting our
members and community through education. She is known for working with other
business to create Personal Enrichment Programs that support current member’s
Earlier this year Rita teamed up with Attorney Amy Rotering of
Mundahl Law in Maple Grove to present a class on Estate Planning. The YMCA graciously
agreed to host the event. On March 20th, over 30 attended to learn the importance of
Estate Planning and the differences between a Will, Financial Power of Attorney,
Health Care Directive, and Trusts.
Our guest presenter Amy Rotering did an outstanding job focusing on the needs and concerns of the class participants. She also took the time needed to answer everyone's questions and sharing informational handouts that could be used for furfure planning conversations .
New Hope Women of Today is founded on community service and
supporting great causes throughout the area. We are lucky to have such talented
members who share their skills with other organizations and each other. New
Members are always welcome for more information contact us at or click