Stronger Together: Cooper Craft Fair

New Hope Women of Today is honored to host the Cooper Craft Fair, now celebrating it’s 51 year. This one-day event held the last Saturday in October from 9 am – 3 pm takes all year to plan. Members volunteer over 400 hours to put on this craft spectacular for the public. Have you ever wondered where our proceeds from this event go?

Forty percent of our proceeds are used by the New Hope Women of Today Chapter to support local programming needs through donations and projects. This past year we funded our Holiday Shopping Spree for youth, and we donated to the New Hope Movie in the Park, Robbinsdale Empty Bowls, Senior Parties at Armstrong and Cooper, Crescent Cove, Outdoor Theater, plus so much more.

Forty percent of our proceeds go to our Lavon H. Cooper District 281 Scholarship program. High School seniors and graduates of the district can apply for scholarships by May 1st of each year. Selected honorees receive between $300 and $1000 each.  

Twenty percent of our proceeds go to organizations and operations that directly support Robbinsdale District 281 programs. This year we were honored to make three very special $815 donations: Orchestra Hall, Bonfire Kid Pack and Full Service Community Ed School.

The Cooper Craft Fair is our largest fundraiser and a fabulous must -see community event. You can support us, buy stopping by to say hello and purchasing donut or coffee from our shop in the atrium. Remember to make time to shop the many creative crafters whose space rentals directly contribute to our proceeds. For more information about our event click here.


New Hope Women of Today is founded on community service and supporting great causes throughout the area. We are lucky to have such talented members who share their skills and time to support needed causes within the community and each other. New Members are always welcome for more information contact us at or click HERE.