A Message from President Tawn, January
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season. I sure did. Abigail came home from UMD, my parents came from Tucson, and brought nicer weather, and my sister-in-law drove up from Iowa. We shopped, ate too much, watched movies and played games. The best part was New Year’s Eve, when the Green Bay Packers took it to the Vikings. What a way to ring in the new year.
We have had 2 amazing trimesters. I am truly in awe of what you amazing members can do. I am looking forward to finishing the year strong. If you have an idea of something you would like to do as a chapter, please reach out. I am always open to new ideas for projects and socials.
My challenge for you over the next couple of months is to find what area of our organization excites you and consider stepping to lead it. I have done almost every position within the chapter and would love to talk to you about what you might like to do. Our chapter needs you to help it run. Everyone of you have wonderful unique talents to share.