A Message from President Tawn, November

 Autumn is such a wonderful time of the year. I love the warm days,

cool nights, football, the leaves changing. It is such a short season

that we need to embrace every moment of it. As we are slowly moving

into winter, burr, please take time to be thankful for all the blessings

that we have. Be sure to share your amazing gifts with people


First let me start with thanking the Cooper Craft Fair committee and

everyone who volunteered at the event. Everything seemed to go

smoothly and the event was a great success. It is so true that many

hands make light work. If it wasn’t for this project, our chapter would

not be able to support many of the other projects that we do. The

committee needs shadows to train for next year. Our projects are not

meant to be chaired by the same people year after year. The projects

need fresh eyes and blood to keep them going. This is an excellent

opportunity for newer members to work with seasoned members to

learn. One of the reasons that Women of Today works, is that we are

a safe supportive place to try new things.

New Hope Chapter has a couple of fantastic opportunities to participate

this month and next. Delores is collecting coats for Prism. Dottie

is collecting winter gear for One Good Deed’s scarf bombing event. I

am heading up the Thanksgiving dinners, Jennifer and Dottie are doing

the shopping spree. Please consider donating or volunteering

with these projects.
