August Service Project in Conjunction With One Good Deed
By Dottie Voigt
New Hope Women of Today will be participating in the Backpacks for Bridging service project. This event constructs backpacks filled with personal care items, snacks and school supplies for homeless teens. We have been asked to provide 50 menstrual kits and 50 men's hygiene kits. We will need the following supplies or cash donations by 08/01/23:
- 100 1 gallon Ziploc bags
- 100 mens razors (2 per kit)
- 50 mens shaving cream
- 50 mens deodorant
- 50 2 oz hand sanitizers
- 50 travel size wet ones
- 400-500 tampons, various types (8-10 per kits)
- 400-500 pads, various types (8-10 per kit)
We will also accept any other personal care items, snacks (granola bars, beef jerky, etc.), and school supplies if you are interested in donating additional items.
There will host a social at my house to construct the kits prior to the 08/15/23 deadline. As always, there will be food, beverages and prizes. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you for your support of this worthwhile project.