Blessing Bags for the Homeless
DECEMBER SERVICE PROJECT Blessing bags will be assembled at the December social on 12/12/22 at Dottie's house. Food, beverages, games and prizes! If you are unable to attend the social but wish to donate, please contact Dottie for pick up or drop off and also to R.S.V.P. We are also collecting new and gently used men's, women’s, and children's cold weather gear: coats, hats, scarves, mittens, gloves and boots for one good deed. They will hold their annual "scarf bombing" in Loring Park and Kellogg Park on 01/08/2023. Volunteers will be needed for the event. More information to follow. All items have been collected! Heavy socks, first aid kits, gloves, masks, healthy snacks, gallon zip lock bags, hand warmers, ChapStick, foot powder, Kleenex.
= Dottie Voigt