Message from the President, October
October is gearing up to be another busy month of activities. I hope that each of you can find something that sparks your interest.
• Trick or Trot & Transylvania-October 8. Sponsored by the City of New Hope Parks & Recreation department we will be on the trail handing out candy from 4:30 to 6:30 PM
• Lunch Bunch-October 12 at New Bohemia Golden Valley at 12:30. RSVP to Delores
• Chair Yoga-October 13 at Holy Nativity Church at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP to Colleen
• Halloween Party-October 21 at Holy Nativity Church at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP to Kathy at
• Monthly Meeting-October 24 we will be collecting winter coats and accessories
• MNWT District 7 Meeting-October 27 hosted by Maple Grove
• Cooper Arts & Crafts Fair-Friday night set-up (October 28). Saturday October 29th
What I love about Women of Today is that we can support the interests of each other. Is there a cause that you support that you would like to share with others? Is there something that you would like to learn about or do you have something that you would like to share with others? Let me know and let’s plan to make it happen! Each member who sends me an idea to will get their name in a drawing for a prize.
Keep Living, Giving & Sharing MARY