Covid Corner
By Diane W. Carr,
Although the majority of COVID is transmitted from person to person, it is also a
good idea to wipe down kitchen and bathroom counters with a virus disinfectant.
Anti-bacterial soaps or spray are not effective against viruses. Here are 3 easy and
inexpensive ways to disinfect your counters (from Consumer Reports June 2020):
• Bleach: You can make an effective diluted bleach solution for virus disinfection of 1/3 cup bleach to 1 gallon of water OR 4 teaspoons of bleach to 1-quart water. Wear gloves while using bleach. Spray and later
rinse the countertops to prevent discoloration. Solution degrades in a few days.
• Hydrogen Peroxide: pour undiluted solution into a spray bottle and use. Wipe down after one minute.
It can stain clothes.
• Isopropyl Alcohol: Solutions that are at least 70% solutions are effective against the virus. Do not dilute.
It can discolor plastics.