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Bee-Youtiful Thoughts for June!
- Congratulations to Teri B for her Presidential Pin. Much deserved. – Diane W Carr
- Jennifer - kicking off your Wishing and More SPM position in high gear! Good for
you! – Diane W Carr
- Congratulations to all the award winners from the Chapter and State. – Rita
- Teri, thanks for putting together our Disbursement list with descriptions and doing our monthly
reports. – Rita
- For all of you who may have Graduates this year, hip hip hooray for them! Congrats class of 2020! –
Kathy N
- A big thank you to all members for having such positive attitudes and supporting one another during this challenging season. We are a strong group of women we will get through this! – Kathy N
- Congratulations to all the chapter-level and state-level award winners!! Well done! – Merrin