A Note From President Rita - December
It’s the end of the trimester already
and we will be doing Trimester Voting at the December meeting.
Looks like we have a number of
events coming up in January and
February for members to chair and
attend. If any of you have ideas for
service projects, fundraisers or socials that you would like to have on
the calendar, please bring them to
the Board or bring them up at the
meeting. We would like to have activities that members want to attend.
Winter State Convention will be in
St. Louis Park, January 24-25th. The
theme is Denim and Diamonds, so
bring your BLING! There is bed
space, if anyone wants to come and
spend 1 or 2 nights at the hotel.
Treat yourself to a mini vacation,
enjoy the convention activities,
spend some time in the pool, party
with other Women of Today and
bring home memories. Applications
can be picked up at December
meeting or accessed from
MNWT.org. Come for part or all of
the events and see what happens at
convention. There are several items
being collected for non-profits to
be brought to convention. Dacmart
needs used clean blue jeans to
make rugs, the Boys and Girls
Clubs need deodorants for the
youth and Sweet Dreams wants new
pajamas for children in hospitals.
Participation is completely up to
members and items will be collected at our December Meeting or
they can be brought to convention,
if you’re attending.
Rita J
Rita J