A Note from President Rita - October
The Women of Today Organization, has had several name changes since its start 70 years ago.
Originally it was part of the Jaycee’s Organization, it has helped
women to improve their lives and
find their places in society over
those many years. At Winter State
Convention in January, we will be
celebrating the 70th Anniversary of
our great organization. Please try
to join us for this celebration at
the Doubletree in St. Louis Park.
More information will follow in the
upcoming newsletters.
If all goes well, the State Program
Manager for Living and Learning,
Sarah Sundine and President Cat
will be joining us at the November
meeting and we will be starting the
meeting at 6:30 both in November
and December when we have our
Holiday party. I hope members will
come with support and questions.
Don’t forget Make a Difference
Day is October 26th, where millions
of volunteers will unite in a common mission!
-Rita J.