NHWT Ways and Means Fundraiser
The Butter Braid order form will be emailed to chapter members around the 18th of September so that members can share the information electronically with friends and relatives. There will also be paper copies of the order form at the September meeting. Our chapter will receive 40% of each item sold and this money will be used to help fund our ways and means account (yearly expenses). The sale will continue until November 4th , when orders and money will need to be turned in. The Butter Braids are an incredible treat for your guests over the holidays and can be kept frozen for many months. The orders will arrive at my home on Friday, November 15th and should be picked up as soon as possible, because they have to be kept frozen. Contact Rita with questions or to place an order (zucarita@comcast.net).
Thanks, Rita J
The Butter Braid order form will be emailed to chapter members around the 18th of September so that members can share the information electronically with friends and relatives. There will also be paper copies of the order form at the September meeting. Our chapter will receive 40% of each item sold and this money will be used to help fund our ways and means account (yearly expenses). The sale will continue until November 4th , when orders and money will need to be turned in. The Butter Braids are an incredible treat for your guests over the holidays and can be kept frozen for many months. The orders will arrive at my home on Friday, November 15th and should be picked up as soon as possible, because they have to be kept frozen. Contact Rita with questions or to place an order (zucarita@comcast.net).
Thanks, Rita J