Step Outside Your Comfort Zone...
Spring is on the horizon (we hope)! I know that we all have been hunkering down, just to survive
the snow and ice. But things are changing! It is time to get out of your rut. Do you know what
a rut is? It's a grave with the ends kicked out! Time to shake things up, stir up your blood and
have fun!
New Hope Women of Today is looking for board members and LPMs for the upcoming 2018-
2019 year. Make THIS year the year that you try something new.
We need:
Programming VP
State Delegate Local Program Managers are also needed and area a great way to get your feet wet! Each position receives a trimester Chapter Information Pack that gives you ideas and plans for your area. You can do as much or as little as necessary. It is up to you!
Thank you! Diane W. Carr, Parliamentarian
We need:
Programming VP
State Delegate Local Program Managers are also needed and area a great way to get your feet wet! Each position receives a trimester Chapter Information Pack that gives you ideas and plans for your area. You can do as much or as little as necessary. It is up to you!
Thank you! Diane W. Carr, Parliamentarian