It is Butterbraid sale
time again. If you have
never had a Butterbraid,
they are a flaky pastry
with a variety of fillings. Caramel rolls are also
available. They come frozen, you let them raise
overnight and then bake them. You will be receiving
an email from me with the order form attached and
a sample letter explaining why we sell them and
who will receive the money we raise. This can be
forwarded to family and friends in hopes of getting
some orders. Butterbraids are a great treat to serve
family and guests over the holidays. The cost has
gone up to $13 this year, with 40% of that money
returning to our chapter. A new cheese & herb
flavored Butterbraid has been added at $14 and
would be awesome with a pasta meal or as a treat
Order taking begins September 25th and all orders and payments (made out to New Hope Women of Today, NHWT) must be turned in by November 1st. Delivery will be to me on Friday, November 17th, in time for Thanksgiving. Orders come frozen, so they should be picked up between the 17th and the 20th, as I am not sure how much room I will have in my freezer. You can contact me to come at your convenience. Let's get the word out and raise some money for the charity we choose!
Order taking begins September 25th and all orders and payments (made out to New Hope Women of Today, NHWT) must be turned in by November 1st. Delivery will be to me on Friday, November 17th, in time for Thanksgiving. Orders come frozen, so they should be picked up between the 17th and the 20th, as I am not sure how much room I will have in my freezer. You can contact me to come at your convenience. Let's get the word out and raise some money for the charity we choose!