Tips on becoming a great leader
It’s about supporting people and encouraging growth. None
of us start out knowing all of the answers. Take the time to explain your ideas/needs
and foster growth.
Include Others.
Include all members. Do not assume someone is not
interested or that they should know what you are planning. Invite everyone with
the same level of excitement and expectation.
Take the time to communicate in three different ways: 1.
verbal, 2. non-verbal (written, asl, ect.), and 3. social media (Facebook,
Twitter, email, website).
Respect Others.
Respect each other at all times. Your words have the
power to change the world. Do not speak from anger or frustration. Use yourself
as an example of what a successful professional looks like.
Own It.
Take responsibility. Do not change the rules or
requirements mid process. Handle concerns behind the scenes without creating
new issues for others.
Recognize Others.
Share the credit. Recognize all those who help with
events and projects. Simply say “thank you.” It is the little things we do that
make all the difference in someone’s day.