Meet the 2017/2018 Board: Colleen T. - Membership VP


Hello New Hope Chapter, welcome all to a new year with New Hope Women of Today! I am excited to be serving you as your chapter Membership Vice President. I have been a member for 26 years and have enjoyed every opportunity that I have had. I joined after my family attended the New Hope city festival called Duk Duk Daze.

This year in the membership area we will have a TEAM approach to membership. It is everyone’s reasonability for our chapter membership. We will be educated in the Membership area from chapter to district to state to US level. There is so much information to share that falls under the membership area that you will be surprised!

This year we will have FUN team competitions that will help you get to know other members and some exciting new m-nights! Watch for additional Team Membership emails for more information.
