A Message from our President: February

As I sit at my desk writing this, I am longing for the warming winds from the south to thaw us out. I am ready to be done with winter. We have a few fun events on the calendar, but could use a few more. If you have an idea, please contact me or one of the board members. If you haven't given any thought to what you would like to do next year, now is the time. There are plenty of fun positions available. Without help from everyone, our chapter activities will grind to a halt. Even though we think of ourselves as a large group, we really are a small group. That means that everyone needs to help. Try something new, you might discover a new 'spice" that it is the best thing you have ever done. We don't grow as people, without pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"  Eleanor Roosevelt

Keep dreaming!