Our Gummy Holiday Skit

Our Gummy Holiday Skit, sung to here comes Santa Clause.

Here comes TRIDENT Gum, 

Here comes BUBBLE Gum, 

STRIDING Right down the Lane, 

TRIDENT and EXTRA and all the others coming right to you. 

Gum is STICKIN’, women flinchin’ What a BUBBLE-ISHIS night.

So cover your eyes and EXPAND your arms, Cause BUBBLE gum comes tonight 

Here comes EXTRA Gum 

Here comes “RED HOT” Gum 

STRIDING Right down the Lane

We’ve got a bag that’s filled with BUBBLE gum. For all you gals Again 

Hear those BUBBLES PINGING, POPPING, Oh what a beautiful sound 

So cover your eyes and EXPAND your arms, Cause BUBBLE gum is coming tonight